Get a Pap Campaign

Year: 2017
Country: Nigeria
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Health
Project Investment: $4,996.27

Project Launch: 10-30-17

Cervical cancer caused by the human papilloma virus is a major issue in the world, but it is a special worry for communities in the Global South where healthcare services and screening are uncommon and STI transmission is relatively high. In Southern Nigeria, HPV infection in women has triggered a major increase of cervical cancer cases. These cases are often diagnosed far too late for effective treatment. For women, infection with the virus generally occurs in adolescence or early adulthood through sexual contact and displays few early signs if any. Nevertheless, in a certain percentage of cases, 15-35 years post-infection, a woman may present with cervical cancer caused by an HPV subtype that provokes fatal malignancies. This situation has led to premature death, illness, and tragedy for thousands of women in Nigeria and elsewhere. 

Girlsaide, a Nigerian empowerment organization focused on girls, seeks to change the status quo by launching a pap smear campaign to screen women for cervical cancer. As a part of the HPV prevention effort, the organization also hopes to vaccinate girls entering adolescence with HPV immunizations in order to prevent later infection during adulthood. Through both campaigns, Nigerian women will be able to access vital health services and obtain information and treatment earlier, allowing them the chance to prevent illness and avoid unnecessary death from HPV-related cancer. 

Project Update: 6-5-18

250 women received education and orientation on HPV, cervical cancer, and cervical smears. The women were also provided information about vaccination, which while costly, is expected to prevent a number of infections. Several families are saving money to complete the vaccination sequence. 500 pamphlets were distributed in local communities about HPV and cervical cancer.

Final Report: 8-4-18

All 750 participants (250 per each of the three districts) were screened for cervical cancer; educated on its causes, vaccines, and preventative strategies; and were given a free pap smear. These women were provided with pamphlets they dispersed to various community members that resulted in the influx of additional women requesting education on cervical cancer and pap smears. Families have now begun saving money to purchase the HPV vaccination.