A Decent Place to Eat
Project Launch: 1-23-20
The primary school in the rural village of Liston de Ojochal, Nicaragua has one classroom and three grade levels. With this World Connect grant, the Empowered Parents group plans to build a covered eating space for the 25 students at the primary school to gather and enjoy lunch together. At present there are not enough chairs and tables to accommodate all the children. They don't have enough plates and spoons either, so children have to take turns eating the food that the parents prepare for them. Sometimes in the winter, parents don't come to the school to cook because there is no space and they get wet in the rain. They plan to also use the space for monthly meetings for the parent's group.
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Conociendo Nuestro Pasado, Aprendiendo Nuestro Presente
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Legacy to Loom
The mission of The Handicraft Association of Talsint is to bring viable work opportunities to the women of Talsint via the making of handicrafts while revitalizing and preserving their cultural herita... ...Learn more