Amputee Economic Empowerment Program (AEEP)
Project Launch: 10-28-23
Using an investment from World Connect, Smile of Hope organization, will in collaboration with the Nungua Amputee Support Community, implement a program aimed at providing socioeconomic skills to people with lower and upper body amputations. Specifically, the project will equip fifteen (15) participants with skills in beads making, soap and detergent production, and snail and mushroom farming. Additionally, the project will provide start-up materials such as capital, equipment and technical support to the participants upon successful completion of the training. Using a Quality of Life assessment matrix, the project seeks to improve the participants’ lives in the dimensions of Financial independence, Agency and Choice, Mobility, Access to Opportunities, and Inclusion in business and social circles.
Project Update: 8-26-24
Smiles of Hope, (SoH) completed a 7 days training targeting 26 people (20 Amputees and 6 assistance in bead making , soap and detergent making, and smail, grasscutter and rabbit farming. The aim is to to support economic empowerment of Amputees within the Nungua Amputee Community. At the time of reporting, the 26 were internalizing the skills to enable them generate enough saleable stock for income generation.
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