Let's go CAMPING!
Year: 2011
Country: Costa Rica
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Environment
Project Investment: $500.00
Project Launch:
La Palma de Puerto Jimenez is a small community of 2,000+ people located on the Osa Peninsula of Costa Rica. Being both small and remote, there are few programs for children in the community to participate in. In 2010, a group of adults got together and formed a board of directors for the Guias y Scouts of Costa Rica (the boys and girl scouts). After working together for a year, the board and leaders were officially sworn is as Group 152 in the Brunca Region and have been meeting with both the younger group (cub/daisy scouts) and the intermediate group (boy and girl scouts). Group leaders requested funding to take the intermediate group camping, which is a key component to the Guias y Scouts program. There are many locations on the Osa Peninsula where to camp, including the world famous Corovado National Park which is rich with bio diversity and has an entrance in La Palma. The camping trip included a hike, a bonfire, educational talks from park rangers, a crash course in pitching a tent, cooking over a camp fire and overnight camping. Camping is an experience that the kids of La Palma otherwise would never have had.Explore other Projects
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