Ninos y Ninas, Adolescentes Lideres Unidos para El Cambio: Aprendizaje diversificado en un Ambiente Interactivo (Children and Adolescent Leaders United for the Change: Diversified Learning in an Interactive Environment)
Year: 2010
Country: Peru
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $499.99
Project Launch:
With World Connect’s support, local leaders provided materials, classes and workshops to a united group of young people in the communities of Reque, Chiclayo, Lambayeque, Peru. The group focused on personal development, arts and culture, sports and computer education in a kid friendly environment. They learned new and creative ways to approach school assignments and were provided with the means to explore their own creative interests. Grant funds were spent on supplies such as white boards, educational visual aids, interactive and educational games, a second hand computer and art supplies, all of which allowed for more interactive learning within the group. Also, basketball and soccer teams were formed in the community. Kids were taught skills and the rules of the games alongside valuable soft skills such as teamwork, tolerance and respect.Explore other Projects
Building Latrines in Rincon Claro
Dominican Republic
The local UNAP is a basic functional unit on the management of health and service delivery at the primary care level and ensures the health of local dominican families. The core services that have bee... ...Learn more