Cleaner Places and Safer Spaces - Pit Latrine Construction Grant
Project Launch:
In Sambweni, Tanzania, the community lacks proper sanitary public facilities. The existing toilet at the elementary school is full and degrading in structure. In addition the local health Dispensary lacks a public restroom, making it unsuitable to accommodate overnight patients or women in labor. Currently, all pregnant women have to walk up to 10 km to the nearest Health Center for birthing facilities. This project will build new bathrooms and hand washing stations at the local primary school and local health Dispensary. Community members will also participate in a two-day public seminar on sanitation practices and techniques. A bathroom at the local school will improve sanitation and hygiene and reduce the transmission of diseases among the students. Furthermore, the health Dispensary will now be able to provide delivery and overnight services, moving it one step closer to becoming an official Health Center, as recognized by the government.
Project Update
As a result of the extreme passion and dedication from the school principal, community members and local masons, the latrine has been built at the primary school. If the latrine had not been built before the rainy season, the Board of Education would have shut down the school, preventing several children from receiving an education. The latrine at the health clinic is in the process of being built and once completed, the clinic will be able to offer numerous maternal and child health services.
"If we had not built a new latrine by next year, the Board of Education would close us during the rainy season for sanitation purposes. But now we can stay open and continue as normal. We are so grateful that our school boys now have a safe restroom to use." - Zahinabu, School Principal
"My son's leg slipped into the pit of the old latrine. He had to go to the doctor and get shots. We are so happy that the Primary School will have a new latrine for the boys. They will now have a safer and cleaner place to use the bathroom." - Hepi, Project Participant
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