Construction of a School Block to Improve Children’s Access to Primary School Education
Project Launch: 9-9-21
In this project, Chiyembekezo Lyson, will work with the Kimu Community to improve children’s access to primary school education at St Peters Primary School by constructing a two-classroom block. The $9,716.20 two roomed school block will accommodate at least 160 learners and reduce congestion in classes while at the same time improving the working and learning environment. Currently, the school has inadequate and dilapidated infrastructure that prompts students to learn under trees and in hazardous situations that put learners’ and teachers’ lives in great danger and reduces classroom attendance rate.. The project will also aid in reduction of congestion and enhance adherence to COVID-19 preventive measures.
Project Update: 10-22-21
Using $9,716.20 grant funding from World Connect, Chiyembekezo Lyson, a YALI-RLC alumnus, is leading the construction of a two-classroom block at St Peters Primary School to provide conducive learning space to 160 learners. Review of the report and photos received show that the project has moved so fast with at least 70% of the work having been done. So far,construction of the walls are completed and are moving on to roofing level. Windows, doors and frames have been fixed. What is remaining is the roofing, plastering, pointing, flooring and fitting the doors and widows. The project is currently on track and is expected to be finished by the end of November
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