Construction of a honey processing unit for Chinthuli Beekeeping club
Project Launch: 5-14-21
Chinthuli Beekeeping Club seeks to improve the quality and quantity of honey produced by constructing a honey processing unit that will create a safe and hygienic space for extraction, processing and packaging of honey. The building will also create an opportunity for the club to grow into a cooperative and establish tangible businesses in honey production and sales. The project will boost the sales for the group through better packaging of honey for sale to community members and the general public. Apart from the 30 group members, the cooperative will also provide a steady market for all honey producing farmers in the area thereby boosting productivity.
Project Update: 9-14-21
In its quest to own a conducive honey processing space, Chinthuli Beekeeping Club, received a $7,175.91 World Connect grant to build a permanent honey processing unit for its operations. Three months after receiving 60% of the grant money, the club completed the super structure and roofed the honey processing factory building. Fixing windows, doors, plastering, painting, drainage system construction and finishing of the floor are the remaining activities to fully complete the building. Once completed, it will be used to safely process honey, bottling and packing from all members involved in honey farming in the area. Part of the building is designed to act as a sales point as well where income will improve living standard for the club members.
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