COVID-19: Accessible Prevention Education for People with Disabilities
Project Launch: 6-1-20
The Forum for the Development of Youth with Disability (FDYD) will use this World Connect grant to translate World Health Organization (WHO) recommended coronavirus prevention information into the local language (Chichewa). Thereafter, the translated messages will be printed into braille and distributed to 1,500 visually impaired persons in Blantyre district. Secondly, the same translated information will be recorded in sign language messages video that will be shared to 2,000 plus people with hearing impairment using established social network groups to educate them and their family members about COVID-19.
Final Report: 12-16-20
Forum for the Development of Youth with Disabilities has successfully implemented a COVID-19 response project targeting visual and hearing impaired persons. With the $3,500 grant from World Connect, the organization produced a sign language video to reach and printed out 1,500 braille books to reach out to those with visual impairments with accurate information on COVID-19 prevention. The books were produced and distributed through Malawi union for the blind and the Blantyre Social Welfare office. These initiatives have increased COVID19 awareness among people living with disabilities as they had no direct access to the right information about the pandemic, its spread and prevention. The project has and continues to benefit thousands of people with disabilities in the country as the video is shared through social media and television stations. The success of the project has prompted the government to produce disability inclusive messages using sign language videos, which are now being distributed nationwide.