Enhancing Chitemwano Women's Bakery Business
Project Launch: 4-22-20
Through this project, a 20 member Chitemwano Women Baking group will operationalize an existing bakery by maintaining oven doors, buying baking trays and start-up materials, and training all members in baking, group dynamics, and business management. Forty percent of the generated profits will be reinvested for business growth while 60% will be used to set up a revolving fund for the women. The project will disrupt the economic gender inequality which in many cases leads to domestic violence, while at the same time economically empowering women to support their families.
Final Report: 7-27-20
With the $746.58 funding from World Connect, Chitemwano Women's Group has trained 20 members in baking bread, scones, rolls, buns, and donuts in a five days training facilitated by an expert baker. The 20 members have in turn also trained 30 other members, translating to a total of 50 women gaining baking skills. To enhance their skills in calculating profits from their business as well as sourcing markets, all 50 members have also been trained in business management and financial literacy. With the profits made from their first sales, the group has reinvested by buying 100 buckets of maize which has been treated and will be sold to generate more income. 30% of the profits have been invested in the Group Savings and Loan Program where members are borrowing to start individual business. A total of 10 women have so far started their own small scale businesses such as selling maize, fish, and clothes, alongside being a part of the group business. The group expects to share the income in December to boost individual farms and food security for the women and their families.
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