Improve Teachers' Houses at Ng'ongo School
Project Launch: 4-22-20
This project is designed to rehabilitate a teacher's house to make it livable. The grant will be used to provide and install steel window frames, window panes, doors, mortice locks, and paint. The project will directly benefit one female teacher at the school whose house is in poor state and in turn support over 400 students learning at the school. The project will motivate the teacher to effectively supports students' education thereby improving their school and national examination performance levels.
Final Report:
Child Opportunities Foundation has together with Ng’ongo School Management Committee renovated a teacher’s house at Ng’ongo school. Using $748 the project has improved one female teacher’s house by painting it, removing old wooden windows and replacing them with steel window frames and glasses, and replacing the doors and mortice locks. This has improved the condition of the house, providing safe and conducive living conditions for the teacher. The project has benefited the community by strengthening their team work ethic, as they were able to come together and work on the teacher’s house for the good of their children. Having a female teacher around will be motivation to the 300 female students at the school as they have a role model to aspire to, hence improving performance at the school.
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