Fogones Mejorados- Improved Cook Stoves- World Connect

Year: 2014
Country: Dominican Republic
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Health
Project Investment: $2,895.58

Project Launch:

El Carmen and Mateo Pico are two neighboring communities located in the province of Monte Plata, Dominican Republic. Between the two communities there are 125 households and 392 people. Most men work in agriculture, mainly in the production of cacao, cassava, plantains, and sweet potatoes, while women tend to be caretakers of the households, which includes cooking for long hours every day over traditional three stone fires called fogones.

The goal of this project is to work with a trained local mason, a community cookstove committee, a Peace Corps Volunteer and an organization of health promoters focused on communities in the Monte Plata province, to install 40 Duncan model improved cookstoves in households in El Carmen and Mateo Pico. The improved cookstoves will require less wood, reducing deforestation; they will emit less smoke in households thanks to their chimney design, reducing rates of respiratory illness in the communities; and their installation will provide a platform for health promoters to educate local mothers about how to protect the health of their young children and their families.


Project Update

20 women completed a “Healthy Homes” training where they learned about health, nutrition, indoor air pollution, and deforestation. In total, 16 Duncan Model improved cookstoves were built throughout the community, providing women with a healthier and safer alternative to traditional cookstoves.



"I have three kids, a job, and I attend university. I have a lot of responsibilities and my life is not easy, but I try every day to take small steps so that the future for my kids will be better. Building this improved cookstove is one of those small steps." - Criselda, Project Participant


"I sell fresh chicken in my market so I usually start my mornings with smoke. Now, I start my mornings in peace without feeling trapped under pounds of smoke." - Maurecia, Project Participant