Inspire Reading Program and Community Children's Library 2011
Year: 2011
Country: Peru
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $490.00
Project Launch:
Associacion Beata Melchorita Saravia-Bemelsa serves around 150 children daily by offering food assistance and also programs such as dance, computer literacy and math in Grocio Prado Peru. With support from World Connect’s Kids to Kids Program, the association expanded services and created a weekly reading group and community children's library, with the goal of addressing low literacy rates and generating excitement around education and reading. Bemelsa put books in the hands of young readers, nurturing children hungry for knowledge and passionate about learning. The newest program at Bemelsa: Inspire Reading Program and Community Children's Library 2011, brings children together weekly for a one hour story session with one loyal volunteer. Upon completion of the story hour, children then have the opportunity to explore the book collection and check items out to take home and share with their families. Bemelsa hopes to promote and encourage children in Grocio Prado to be lifelong readers.Explore other Projects
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