Integrated Goat Pass-on Project
Project Launch: 4-22-20
The Integrated Goat Pass-on Project will provide 24 goats to 12 households from Nyungwe community, who will later pass on the offspring to other community members. Participants will use the goat manure to produce organic fertilizer locally known as “Mbeya” which will be shared for use in their backyard gardens. Other members of the community will also benefit from the fertilizer which will enhance food security in the area. The goats will in the long run contribute to increased household assets which can be used to bridge economic gaps when sold.
Project Update: 7-1-20
The Integrated Goat pass-on project has completed the purchasing of 24 goats which have been distributed to 22 women and 2 men in the first cohort of the pass-on project. The participants have shown a lot of excitement and commitment to the project by contributing in kind resources to support effective implementation of the project. For the pilot project, the members of the community provided ropes for fastening the goats, hand washing materials and soaps, land, and seeds. The project is on track and is expected to end in August 2020, though due to the nature of the project, it shall continue indefinitely.
“As a single mum, I had no hope of how I will meet the cost of my children’s secondary school fees, but this goat after reproducing a number of times will make my kids’ education possible, Thanks to World Connect and WeLAF," Nifa Henry
Final Report: 3-31-21
Using $750.00 AGC grant funds, Wellness and Life Advancement Foundation (WeLAF) purchased 24 goats which were distributed to 24 women as the first cohort of the pass-on project. The group has also been trained in how to produce organic manure using goat droppings and other locally available resources to help improve crop production without relying on fertilizer. The group established a demonstration plot where the manure was applied to maize and tomatoes. This project continues to largely benefit 26 single mothers who now have manure making skills which will help increase their crop production. The women also have goats that will in the long term increase their income through sales of goats once they start reproducing. The project will also benefit over 130 community members who will acquire the organic manure making skills from the trained members. “With this project, I have learnt a technology which is likely to boost my farming.” Says Chitsanzo, one of the project beneficiaries.
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