Honey-Based Beauty and Health Products in Jicaral
Project Launch: 12-25-16
The Asociacion de Mujeres Empresarias de Jicaral is an all-woman Costa Rican business cooperative that specializes in the production of health and beauty products made from locally obtained honey. As the business has grown, the team of 10 businesswomen has struggled to keep up with the demands of marketing their products in new stores. The operation has generally relied on the women filling and jarring their products by hand, a laborious and time-consuming practice. This project seeks funds to purchase two machines that will allow the women to fill and jar their products in containers, increasing efficiency, cleanliness, and output, and allowing more time to be spent on developing their brand in new territories.
Final Report: 4-27-17
The women have been able to receive training and improve upon their skills through INAMU and CEPAL. In addition, the women are receiving technical assistance from the University of Costa Rica and its Pharmacy Department. The department is analyzing the formulas of all the products to assist the women in ensuring consistency in the products. These analyses are a necessary step to allow them to get the permissions from the Ministry of Health to sell in local stores. Furthermore, INDER is providing assistance to provide equipment to ensure unadulteration, homogeneity, and quality of their products so that the women can reach a larger market sooner. CRUSA is providing assistance through providing financing for a new laboratory which will be built in 2017. The land has already been purchased. Lastly, the women are in meetings to be included in an initiative by Walmart called Walmart's Global Women's Economic Empowerment Initiative. This initiative will provide them with training and mentorship as they continue to grow their business, as well as a marketplace on Walmart's website to display their products. They have launched their own website as well.
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