Limpieza de las Lagunas
Year: 2011
Country: Dominican Republic
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Environment
Project Investment: $500.00
Project Launch:
Las Lagunas is a town where cars often fly by on their way to more developed communities. No nearby rivers or oceans means little tourist dollars are spent there, but Las Lagunas is in a fertile valley in the Cibao area where greenhouses and farms proliferate, along with waste and trash. A $500 grant was awarded from World Connect’s Kids to Kids Program to support cleaning the Las Lagunas (limpieza de las lagunas). High school students participated in a week of activities focused on promoting environmental protection and recycling and students followed-up on their lessons learned by educating their peers. The municipal government provided the school with large recycling bins and the promise of transporting them to the nearest recycling plant. Following their course work, students tackled the recycling issues in their own school, cleaning and polishing the place where they learn, to underscore the value of their education and to prevent them from trashing their own space in the future.Explore other Projects