Mosquito OVI-Trap Project

Year: 2016
Country: Zambia
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Health
Project Investment: $750.00

Project Launch: 1-15-17

Some areas of rural Zambia record malaria prevalence rates in excess of 50%. Malaria is a leading cause of illness and death throughout much of Sub-Saharan Africa and the disease especially affects children, who are among the most susceptible to succumbing to the illness. This project proposes the construction and deployment of several custom-made mosquito traps designed to kill the mosquitoes responsible for transmitting malaria. It is hoped that additional sequestration of the vector (the mosquito) will lead to a sharp decline in the prevalence of malaria in the region.

Project Update: 4-27-17

Within two months of launch, the community began to purchase all required supplies to assemble the OVI traps. Parties in the local area have been engaged directly about malaria reduction and vector control. A census of the catchment area was carried out by community health workers to concoide with nationwide distribution of insectiicde treated nets slated for May. Number of households and sleeping spaces as well as incidence of malaria in each was collected and it was determind that at baseline 86% of individuals were positive for a malarial parasite.

Final Report: 2-15-18

The mosquito trap project was veyr successful ont he local level. All village traps were constructed as planned, ending Phase 1 of this effort. For Phase 2, the Zambian government has decided to scale up the approach used in Mutiti on a wider regional scale. There are hopes this second effort could commence by the end of 2018 through follow-up anti-malaria agents. 

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