Amani Mama's Group Income-Generating Cooperative of Poultry Husbandry and Bio-charcoal
Project Launch:
The Amani Mamas Women’s Group is located in the village of Msindo in the Kilimanjaro region, where there are limited economic opportunities for women. This project will focus the group’s members on poultry husbandry and bio-charcoal production, two income-generating activities that will improve their financial situations. Currently, most of the women generate about $1.50 per day through various other activities. Specifically, the project will lead to the construction of three chicken coops, allowing the women to raise poultry and sell eggs in their community. The women will also be trained as experts in the production of bio charcoal out of local resources, helping to reduce deforestation and improve soil conditions in the village. To improve the markets for their projects and share their knowledge, the group will be leading village-wide seminars on both topics.
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