Recreo, Expresion, y Desarollo “Recreation, Expression, and Development” (RED)
Year: 2010
Country: Dominican Republic
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $500.00
Project Launch:
Orfanato Ninos de Cristo is an orphanage in the Dominican Republic that has no art programs, and art education in the school setting in the area is limited. Art based and creative programs are important for intellectual, social, and emotional development in children and adolescents. With a $500 grant from World Connect’s Kids to Kids Program in 2010, an art based program called Recreo, Expresion, y Desarollo/Recreation, Expression, and Development (RED) was established to encourage and motivate children to learn how to be less self-critical and more confident and enjoy engaging in art. Through art classes, participants were in a fun, non-critical environment where self-expression through art was encouraged. Each week the classes had a theme such as nature/environment, animals, self-discovery/exploration, and global awareness. The classes not only benefitted the students, but also supported the orphanage. At the end of the classes, a gallery/art exhibit presentation was held to display the work of each student. Sponsors and potential sponsors were invited to attend the event and if they donated they received a work of art. Donations received are supporting ongoing art education programming in the orphanage.Explore other Projects

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