Supporting Quality Environments for Maternal and Newborn Health in Lwamaggwa
Project Launch: 4-17-18
Although Lwamaggwa Health Center-III in rural Uganda is a very high performing health facility, it is not up to the required standard to adequately care for mothers before and during delivery. There are also major structural issues with mold and the security of the building at night. In addition, the facility cannot accommodate so many hopeful mothers, resulting in antenatal visits and deliveries conducted in the very same small room. These issues have led to extremely high rates of complications during childbirth as well as pathogen transmission. This project will support this the facility by providing and installing equipment and supplies necessary to furnish Lwamaggwa HC-III’s maternity ward after its ongoing renovation, impacting over 500 mothers each year who will access antenatal care or deliver at this health facility.
Project Update: 1-7-19
All equipment for Lwamaggwa maternity ward has been procured and is ready to be delivered to the facility. The external construction of the maternity ward has been completed. The Lwamaggwa Health Center staff expressed excitement for the new facility, stating it will create space for dignified care to their clients, allowing them to remain admitted longer for monitoring and observation.
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