Torneo de Volibol Sirve con Fuerza
Project Launch:
The majority of youth recreational activities in the Dominican Republic are usually enforced with violence and with the mindset of winning. Sportsmanship is rarely encouraged, and there is minimal support from fellow team members. Additionally, there are few opportunities for young women to participate in sports due to male dominance within the culture. This project will implement an all female volleyball camp to educate girls on sportsmanship, healthy competition, and positive interaction with other community members. The camp participants will also engage in health workshops and various team-building exercises. The camp aims to positively impact the girls’ self esteems, communication and passion for sports, while providing them an outlet for healthy competition outside of their normal environment.
Project Update
The volleyball camp was a huge success! 48 girls from six different provinces were in attendance and engaged in various educational workshops and volleyball drills and games. As a requirement to attend the camp, each volleyball team had to implement a fundraiser in their community. From raffling off prizes to hosting a movie night, the girls creatively raised enough money while learning about the importance of community service. While at the camp, each team was paired with a sister team to encourage collaboration and sportsmanship. The sister teams helped encourage one another while cheering on the sidelines. By the end of the camp, the girls walked away with numerous new friendships and volleyballs skills, and were very enthusiastic for similar future opportunities.
"Sirve con Fuerza has given me friendships that will last a lifetime. I was able to meet people from other regions of the island, and also from my own region. I am happy to know that we are not the only girls who struggle to play sports... I am very proud to play volleyball." - Project Participant
"The community got a better sense that we do more than just play volleyball. We gained the respect of other community leaders, and even boys that usually make fun of us. They were able to see that we are capable of working as a team, and that we are willing to excel as individuals." - Josendy, Project Leader
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Yes. the Parent Teachers Association consist of elected members amongst the community which consist of PTA chairperson, PTA vice chairperson, one committee member representing the church bodies, one ... ...Learn more