TSOGOLO LATHU Learning and Growth Resource Center -Supplimental
Project Launch: 2-4-21
The community organization called "Women Inspire" will construct a Learning and Growth Resource Center for girls and community members in Bvumbwe, Malawi. Through the center, girls will have access to workshops, after school education support, and library resources. The space will also be a mentorship center to inspire the girls and encourage them to stay in school. This project will directly benefit 350 school girls. Additionally, over 100 boys in the community will have access to the library component to support their literacy skills.
Project Update:
Women Inspire received $8,822.60 in December 2019 for the construction of a “Learning and Growth Resource Centre'' for Girls called “Tsogolo Lathu” in GVH Mphedzu, T/A Bvumbwe, Thyolo district. Having started the construction, the project requested a supplementary grant of $8,740.11 to complete the Learning center as it was previously under budgeted for. The facility is designed to provide space for mentorship training and library services with the aim of enhancing girls opportunities to progress with their education. The building phase for this project started from window level till completion. Currently, it is completely roofed and completely plastered. Three of the rooms are also completely cement floored, painted, and finished. What is currently remaining is the completion of the library hall and work of cementing the floor is currently in progress.
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