Ya Tu Sabes! (Yeah, you know!)
Year: 2010
Country: Dominican Republic
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $300.00
Project Launch:
The children in Buroga of the Dominican Republic lack activities and structure during the summertime. With a $300 grant from World Connect’s Kids to Kids Program, the Ya Tu Sabes! (Yeah, you know!) project conducted arts and crafts, physical activities and intertwined health lessons to increase self-esteem, coordination and goals for the participating kids. Children were given the opportunity to be creative and explore their abilities, many for the first time. All of the artwork was made out of bottles, newspapers, magazines, cans, string, and other recycled materials -- students made hand-washers, jewelry, dream catchers and vases. Program leaders noticed a big difference in the kids from the start to the end of the program. In the beginning the participants weren’t confident and always asked what to make or draw and whether they were doing it right; in the end, they were confident in their abilities in many types of art. A six year old, Esperanza, who was very shy at the beginning of the year was talking and smiling all the time at the completion of the project and when she showed her artwork to her family she was beaming with pride. The Ya Tu Sabes! project provided participating kids with confidence, skills, and a new creative community.Explore other Projects

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