COVID-19 Awareness Campaign
Project Launch: 7-22-20
With this World Connect grant, Girls Network Malawi will sensitise over 4,000 community members in Mpemba Township on Coronavirus prevention guidelines as provided by the World Health Organization and Malawi's Ministry of Health. Chiefs, Health Surveillance Assistants, teachers, and mother's group members will be equipped with information through a detailed curriculum, translated in Chichewa, to assist them in disseminating more information to community members in future. In addition, the community organization will also use the funds to mount five handwashing stations with soap in strategic public places, such as markets and churches, to prevent the spread of the virus. The project will directly benefit the community members who will be well equipped to engage in practices that will protect them and their families from COVID-19.
Project Update: 11-30-20
Using the $3,157.53 grant from World Connect, Ulala Kondowe a third time grantee of World Connect has implemented a Covd-19 response project in Mpemba Blantyre, targeting three (3) villages, and two (2) schools. The project has purchased and distributed 45 hand-washing stations stands, 45 water buckets, 50 t-shirts and printed placards as information dissemination channels. Using relevant stakeholders such as chiefs, the project has managed to reach out to over 450 households. Through the two (2) schools, the project reached out to a combined total of about 2,342 students. The t-shirts and the banner printed all have messages on how the virus spreads and how one can minimize the spread by adhering to the preventive measures recommended by the World Health Organization and Ministry of Health in Malawi. In total the project is expected to reach out to 4,382 people from 821 households from the three (3) villages.
Final Report: 7-31-21
Girls Network Malawi successfully conducted a COVID-19 sensitisation campaign in Mpemba township, Blantyre, from August to December 2020. With a $3,157.53 World Connect grant, the organisation was able to facilitate information sessions with community leaders, teachers, Health Surveillance Assistants and Mother Group members on symptoms and the preventive measures for coronavirus. 4,000 Community members were also reached with COVID-19 messages using a Public Address system and through banners, t-shirts, posters, flyers, and caps. Forty five (45) handwashing stations were purchased and placed in markets, schools and clinics as preventive measures. At the end of the campaign, 85 percent of the community members have demonstrated knowledge on the cause, symptoms, and preventive measures of COVID-19. The project has also seen a reduction in the myths about COVID-19 by at least 60 percent as measured by people who were vaccinated in the area. The project has also instilled a habit of regular handwashing among community members which puts the community in a better position to prevent outbreaks such as that of cholera and diarrhoea in the township. 4000 people have benefited from this project in total.
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