Creative Corner for kids in Cristo Rey
Year: 2010
Country: Costa Rica
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $499.39
Project Launch:
The Comite Tutelar of Cristo Rey, Costa Rica, a group that works to promote and protect children's rights in the community, created a "creative corner" in at the community center to enhance child development. With $500 from World Connect’s Kids to Kids Program, the Comite equipped the area with materials and supplies for young children to use when they accompany their parents to the community center for meetings. Activities such as art project and story times are important to this community where most kids do not have toys, books, or drawing materials in their homes. This project enhanced creativity, imagination, cooperation, fine motor-skills and a love for reading for the children of Cristo Rey. This project also gave the Comite Tutelar, who organized and implemented the project, great confidence in their ability to unite around an initiative and build something long-lasting and meaningful for their community.Explore other Projects
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