Economic Empowerment for Vulnerable Women Living with HIV/AIDS
Project Launch: 9-28-18
Between October 2017 and April 2018, YOPOC successfully implemented a World Connect-supported project targeting sex workers and teen mothers living with HIV/AIDS. The project established 4 HIV/AIDS support groups, provided HIV/AIDS trainings on positive living, nutrition and ART treatment, conducted motivation talks, strengthened meetings among teen mothers and sex workers living with HIV/AIDS, and established a referral system between the community and health facilities in Mwambo area along Lake Chilwa, Zomba District. However, these teen mothers and sex workers are still facing challenges in how they can access to a nutritious diet due to poverty.
This project will train 30 teen mothers and 20 sex workers living with HIV/AIDS in business management skills. The knowledge will enable them to manage their own enterprises, including those in hairdressing salons, tailoring, carpentry, poultry farming, and vegetable gardening. The project will also establish a cooperative revolving fund which will provide them with the capital need to boost their small-scale businesses. Participants will also be linked to different institutions to market their products in their respective areas. With the cooperatives as means of social capital, members of the HIV/AIDS support groups will generate revenue which will be used to support their nutritional needs and their families.
Project Update: 10-29-18
The project managed to train 30 teen mothers and 22 sex workers in business management, and provided start-up capital from a revolving fund which has helped the participants start businesses as means of generating income for their day to day needs. Project monitoring shows that in just two months the 52 participants have generated K350,000 through the cooperative revolving fund, with shares ranging from K20,000 to K50,000 per person. The results also show that half of the members have established personal enterprises. The participants have expressed appreciation towards the project, stating that the business management skills gained and the start-up capital earned through the revolving fund will help them successfully lead their businesses and generate income for sustaining their nutritional needs.
Final Report: 5-28-19
The Economic Empowerment for Vulnerable Women Living with HIV/AIDS project implemented by Youth for Positive Change was aimed at training 30 teen mothers and 22 sex workers living with HIV/AIDS in business management skills and supporting them to use the knowledge gained in starting own enterprises such as hairdressing salons, tailoring and vegetable gardening. The results show that all the targeted members were trained in business management and a total of five groups formed with each getting MK350,000 as start up capital to engage in business of their choice. Members have started businesses in Hair dressing, fish vending, farming and others. This income generated is helping members attain better nutrition which is a requirement for people taking ART drugs. The members are also confident that the income will help their families meet basic needs in school fees, uniforms and others.
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