El Movimiento Verde- Going Green in Batey 6!
Year: 2011
Country: Dominican Republic
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Environment
Project Investment: $373.00
Project Launch:
In the Dominican Republic, few make the connection between small, personal degradations of the environment and the devastating, wholesale consequences of deforestation and pollution. With help from a grant from World Connect’s Kids to Kids Program, 20 members of Batey 6’s engineering club planned and implemented a month-long environmental course in the local school addressing: deforestation, trash and recycling, and air and water contamination. In addition to teaching the classes, the youth facilitators organized and led activities like mural painting, constructing trashcans, implementing recycling programs, tree planting and community clean ups. Throughout the project, these facilitators collected data regarding the environment in Batey 6 via interviews, pictures, and film, all culminating in a concert where students sang and danced to express their new knowledge and newly acquired green values.Explore other Projects


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The organization's mission is to promote economic opportunity, environmental conservation, and women's leadership through collective and sustainable market gardening. ...Learn more