Jovenes Creando el Cambio (Youth Making the Change)
Year: 2010
Country: El Salvador
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $499.90
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Project Launch:
A Peace Corps Volunteer collaborated with a youth group in El Salvador to run overnight camps for youth ages 13-20 to train youth in discussing important topics such as sex education, drug and alcohol prevention, conflict prevention and resolution, leadership, planning for the future, and first aid and wilderness survival. The topics were taught in dynamic, interactive ways that created lasting memories and friendships for the youth, while introducing important themes in a hands-on and practical manner than what is covered in schools. Providing healthy and productive activities for youth is crucial in El Salvador, a country in which youth are particularly vulnerable to gang involvement. The high crime rates, lack of educational opportunities, low employment rate, and disintegration of families due to emigration creates a dangerous atmosphere for vulnerable youth. The activities at the camps aimed at fortifying the self-esteem and life skills necessary to help youth make healthy decisions and plan for their futures. The camp, which was supported with a $500 grant from World Connect’s Kids to Kids Program in 2010, encouraged young leaders at the camp to direct activities and take a major role in camp organization administration, giving them leadership experience. The campers strengthened their leadership, teamwork, and public speaking skills through the camp, skills that will help them throughout their lives as they continue to be community leaders.