Jovenes en Accion
Year: 2011
Country: Peru
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $495.37
Project Launch:
Adolescent pregnancies are one of the leading problems in the community of San Juan de Lacamaca, Peru and affect the health and education of all involved. With the help of the local health center, the Educational Institution (E.I.) “Jose Bruno Ruiz Muñez” formed a teen health promoter club designed to educate teenagers and the community on healthy behaviors. “Jóvenes en Acción” was designed to improve sexual and reproductive education using interactive and informal education approaches. Students were trained on in health promotion, self-esteem building, communication, prevention of teen pregnancies, and HIV/AIDS prevention. These students then taught their peers and community members on these same topics using various mass media communication strategies such as a radio program, murals, and parades. This program not only benefited the students, but the community as well, as they increased their awareness and knowledge about sexual and reproductive health. Jóvenes en Acción was a much needed and exciting program for the youth of San Juan de Lacamaca, as it not only helped them to make better informed decisions, since the guidance was more educated and personal than what participants might have found on their own on the Internet. The project also helped the students and student-teachers prepare responsibly for adulthood.Explore other Projects
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