Nous Jouons Au Football (We Play Football)

Year: 2011
Country: Morocco
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $500.00

Project Launch:

Dchera is a village of approximately 1,000 inhabitants in southern Morocco, in the Taroudant Province. In recent years there has been a resurgence of Berber pride to preserve the local traditions and Berber alphabet. The Association Dchera was formed in 2007 to encourage the production of local Argan oil a cosmetic and other handicrafts to help develop traditional activities into profitable businesses. Approximately 125 women officially belong to the group and make $2 a day. The Association provides activities for children such as music and after school studies and the boys and men of the association started a youth soccer team at the beginning of the year. With support from World Connect's Kids to Kids Program, the association was able to provide the essential materials and equipment needed to run programming that helps keep the kids off the street, engenders team work, leadership and self esteem.