Sinthian Elementary School Improvement
Project Launch:
Sinthian is a village of approximately 1,200 people and is located in the hottest region of Senegal. Kids in Sinthian begin school early (3-5 years old) and are more likely to perform well and stay in school longer. Because of this, elementary school in Sinthian is fairly well attended, despite the many roadblocks in keeping kids in school, such as lack of funds and teachers. Additionally, the student breakdown is about half boys and half girls, which is very encouraging.
The highest grade (7eme) in the Sinthian elementary school attends class in a thatched shack, which is darker, hotter, and more crowded than the other classrooms. This is an important year for the students as they are qualifying to continue on to middle school and higher education. With a non-optimal learning environment, students are disadvantaged. This project will support the construction of an improved classroom for the 7eme students, aiming to encourage continued school attendance and improved testing results.
Project Update
The classroom has successfully been built! Everyone in the community was very supportive of the project, especially the Village Chief, School Director, and President of the Parents' Association. To help finance the project, the village's new cultural center contributed proceeds from their community garden, which laid the groundwork for a lasting partnership between the school and the cultural center.
"The new classroom has made it so much easier for me to teach and for the children to learn." - Aliou, Project Leader
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