
Year: 2017
Country: United States
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $2,000.00

Project Launch: 11-15-17

Untranslatable emerges from two inquisitive New Yorkers, one native born fixated on the city as it is and one transplant optimistic about the city as it could be, especially for its younger citizens. New York City is home to the most diverse population in the United States, with many enclaves of immigrant Americans. Still, enclaves comprised of mostly one or two particular ethnic groups present a challenge for cross cultural exposure among New Yorkers, especially as travel between boroughs is expensive. 

In order to address these silos, Ruthia and Chris propose Untranslatable, a project aiming to bring youth from every borough together to meet others from unique cultural, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds--students who may not normally interact with one another. A full day event, Untranslatable will gather these students in a single setting. Proposed activities include team building exercises that incorporate professionals from the field of social science, academia, and international development. Food, beverages, and transport costs will be provided for all youth who attend, as well as volunteer professionals. 40 youth will be invited to attend, selected from all boroughs.

Project leaders’ goal is to bring youth from unique backgrounds together so that they can interact and collaborate in order to achieve common goals, all the while building friendships that will last long after the camp has finished.

Final Report:

Students spent a day writing poetry, discussing entrepreneurship, learning about environmental science, creating a short film, and networking with an array of working professionals. Successes from the day included insightful conversation, group activities, and new friendships forged. Additionally, a youth leader engaged in the workshop contributed extensively to the success of the day. Project leaders are plannign a follow-up activity to show how the lessons from the day have been adopted by the student participants and shared with their peers.