Volleyball for Life Fitness
Year: 2010
Country: Dominican Republic
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $461.00
Project Launch:
To practice healthy living, some of the girls who are members of Escojo Mi Vida in Las Placetas, Dominican Republic, started a volleyball team. Previously, the group had a volleyball court at the school, but didn’t have a net or a ball, and most girls lacked proper sports clothing and shoes. With a grant of $468 from World Connect’s Kids to Kids Program, the group purchased a few balls (the court is surrounded by barbed wire fence and sometimes the ball gets stuck and deflates), uniforms and sports gear, as well as transportation for tournament play. One of the teachers at the school teamed up with the local Peace Corps Volunteer to help coach the girls. This became the first and only sports program for youth in Las Placetas and provided an excellent opportunity for female youth in Las Placetas to learn the importance of teamwork, endurance and commitment. With their new knowledge about health and fitness and commitment to a healthy lifestyle, the group now participates in matches with other teams. This league fosters the exchange of ideas between youth of different communities and backgrounds who would otherwise not have the opportunity to meet and learn from each other.Explore other Projects

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