Arte para la vida
Year: 2010
Country: Dominican Republic
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $500.00
Project Launch:
A regional Arte por la Paz or “Art for Peace” event was held with PANI, Costa Rica’s national child protection agency, for approximately 100 children in La Fortuna, site of the Arenal Volcano. With a $500 grant from World Connect’s Kids to Kids Program, 4th, 5th and 6th graders presented work they prepared at home (poetry, theater, painting,) on the theme of peace. Students also took part in educational workshops throughout the day to foster group cooperation and improve conflict resolution skills, giving them a creative outlet to express their feelings and dreams for the future. The goal of Arte por la Paz is to foster creativity and better communication skills in elementary school students, to help them better address the violence that they experience in their homes, schools and communities, which is done through art project on themes such as domestic violence, anger management, and self-esteem. This was the first time most of these children left their community and saw a new place. La Fortuna was selected as the destination because it was a special treat for the kids to be close to one of Costa Rica's most famous volcanoes. For many of the kids it was a once in a lifetime experience. The conference was not only an exciting opportunity for students from very poor communities to see more of their country but it also opened their minds to other children who care about making the world a more peaceful place.Explore other Projects
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