Doctor Housing
Project Launch: 7-1-16
The local health clinic in Ivigo village has two nurses but no doctor, forcing villagers to travel 3-4 hours to the nearest facility to seek treatment. For emergency situations, such as birth complications or serious injuries, people often simply cannot get to the care that they need in time. Each village in the region is entitled to a doctor, but Ivigo, like many others, cannot receive a doctor from the district government until it builds a house for the doctor to live in. This project will allow the village to build that house, adjacent to the clinic, making it eligible to receive a doctor and increasing the quality of medical services available in the village.
Progress Update: 10/18/2016
Construction on the doctor's residence has nearly been fully completed. The district government has begun a search to fill the need for a local physician now that there are accommodations present in the village for one.
Final Report: 2/10/2017
The house has been completed and a doctor is slated to be assigned in August 2017.
"Now that a doctor is on the way, women and children will have increased access to medical services. Many women have expressed their happiness that the house is built and are looking forward to the day the doctor will arrive." - Frederick, Peace Corps Volunteer
"I am grateful. We have needed additional medical services badly for a long time. Many women go to Ikonda (nearest hospital) because there is no service here. You can get a problem giving birth here and it is too late to go to Ikonda. The House is exact, we have big happiness. We are grateful to succeed in constructing this house because there was no doctor house before." - Yusta, Project Participant
"I think this is a good project. Healthcare access is a big issue in Tanzania, not just this village. Many villages don't have a doctor, not just Ivigo. Many villages are requesting doctors but get a problem because there is no house for the doctor. We have passed this problem with World Connect's help." - Edgar, Project Participant
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