Eco-Friendly Schoolyards

Year: 2017
Country: Albania
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Environment
Project Investment: $750.00

Project Launch: 1-4-18

The vision of this project is for every student to feel connected and protective of nature. The goal is to remodel the elementary school court yard in a way that provides nutrition for struggling families and allows students to explore in a way that fosters love and respect for nature. The project will involve trainings for the elementary school on living healthier by eating right, stress relief, how to recycle, and the importance of keeping the planet and their living spaces clean. After the trainings, students will plant fruit trees, a vegetable garden, and medicinal plants, and they will be taught and encouraged to use the space for regular rest and reflection.

Project Update: 5-16-18

An eco-friendly schoolyard curriculum was developed in English, translated, and distributed to 2 teachers for testing. 15 classes have started the curriculum with roughly a total of 300 students. To date, 5 classes have finished the curriculum for a total of 100 students. The back of the school was leveled and overturned to prepare it for planting. During this time, a pipe was damaged and was fixed. All of the necessary materials have been purchased for the schoolyard. Six fruit trees have been planted. Tires were donated by a local mechanic and are being filled with soil to prepare for planting.

Final Report: 8-14-18

The community accomplished most of its original goals. It saw a 10% increase in students rating of the importance of recycling and a 16% increase in students ability to name plants and their health benefits. More importantly, students were given the opportunity to show their drive to make their community better. A core group of students and teachers took ownership of the community garden. Another major success was getting English, science and social science teachers to agree to the new supplemental curriculum that adopts themes imparted by the garden project.