GIE Ngane Ginaar Chicken Coop
Project Launch: 3-14-17
Latmingué is a predominantly agricultural community in Senegal north of the Gambia. The focus of the project is to create a sustainable and reliable secondary source of income for members of the community and to simultaneously improve food security. Because eggs and chicken are staples of the local diet, they can be sold throughout the entire calendar year, adding stable income to supplement primary economic activities for numerous households. Drawing upon the previously untapped pool of working women, the project seeks to create a chicken coop that will grow into a sustainable business enterprise to provide nutritional and economic support to the village.
Project Update: 9-15-17
The community changed their original coop design from a wood-based structure to cement-oriented construction. To weather the severe heat and provide better insulation to the chicks in the cooler season, project participants felt cement would provide better value over the long term. At present, the community is looking for their initial stock of hens.
Final Report: 4-9-18
The greatest success of the project is that the chicken coop is completely constructed and there is a detailed action plan for how to continue the project moving forward. The coop is in good hands with the Project Leader, who has experience raising chickens, and the women's group will have enough support to be able to ensure the chickens are raised safely and effectively.
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