World Connect Improved Cookstoves in Copey
Project Launch:
Copey is a small, poor community located on the northern coast of the Dominican Republic with a population of 4,000 people and an average of five persons per household. Most women in Copey still use traditional cooking techniques that are detrimental to their and their families’ health.
This project will lead to the installation of improved cookstoves in 30 Copey households. The project will be managed by a local stove committee, comprised of women heads of households and overseen by the Copey women’s center. Beneficiary families will be trained in the use and maintenance of their new stoves by local community health promoters, and will participate in cooking classes led by their local Peace Corps Volunteer. Project leaders will be monitoring use of the cookstoves over time and aim for beneficiary households to use the new, improved cookstoves at least 90% the time.
Project Update
30 improved cookstoves were successfully constructed. To inaugurate the completion of the first cookstove, the community celebrated with a community stew. Each woman was responsible for one ingredient and the volunteer and mason showed all beneficiary families how to light and use the cookstove. The community attended three educational sessions, which focused on deforestation, the benefits of improved cookstoves, healthy eating habits, and health risks due to indoor smoke. A local stove committee consisting of of 14 women was formed and is in charge of stove maintenance and sustainability. Two women are now using their stoves to sell food to the community, providing them financial responsibility and economic opportunities. One woman sells coffee and tea in the early morning and another woman sells a refreshing carbonated drink called "mabi de palo." Community members have noticed a decrease in air pollution, which can be attributed to the decreased use of firewood and charcoal. Women are now using healthier ingredients while cooking, including leafy greens and less oil.
"I have watched this project turn from idea to reality and seen how deeply it has impacted the beneficiary families. Women use their stoves to feed their families, sell coffee and tea to gain economic independence, and bring our community together to celebrate special occasions with a stew made on our improved cookstoves. It truly is a community effort and has benefited more than just the families who house the stoves." - Bronwen, Peace Corps Volunteer
"I love my cookstove! The beans just taste so much better when made with firewood. At first it was uncomfortable to use, but I got the hang of it and can't wait to turn it on in the morning. It also uses very little firewood, so that helps me cook more food for my family." - Regina, Project Beneficiary
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