Building Latrines in a Provincial Capital: Attending to Sanitation Needs in San Jos
Project Launch:
La Aguita is a small sector of 182 people in San Jose de Ocoa, the capital city of Ocoa Provence in the Dominican Republic. La Aguita is isolated from the center of the town, and thus does not benefit from typical government-provided services, such as running water and paved roads. The sector, on average, receives water once every eight days, so most households collect water daily from the river located behind several of the houses. Unfortunately, the river is contaminated, and there is a high rate of diarrhea and health issues related to sanitation in the community.
With a total of 82 families currently living in the community, there are only 44 latrines. With the addition of 38 new ventilated improved pit latrines, the people of La Aguita will have complete improved sanitation access, reducing the threat of sanitation-related illnesses. The women in the Hogares Saludables (Health Homes) group, a women-led organization in La Aguita, will be trained to give health and sanitation workshops on how to use and maintain latrines to the rest of the community.
Project Update
Participating families attended a workshop focused on hygiene practices, water purification systems and latrine care. In the workshop, they also learned how to build hand-washing stations. With the help of the community, 35 latrines were constructed.
"I have a place to go to the bathroom and this improves my well-being. My kids will lead a more hygienic life and I will have to worry less about disease." - Yolanda, Project Beneficiary
"This has been such a great project. Everyone in the community is benefiting and people are helping each other. With the new latrines, people will have their dignity and will be able to live healthier lives." - Nina, Project Leader
"Before this project came about, we didn’t have anything to work towards. We came together as a community and accomplished something really great." - Junana, Project Participant
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