Map for the Future

Year: 2010
Country: El Salvador
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $132.23

Project Launch:

El Salvador's educational system is poorly funded and both teachers and students struggle to find and retain quality resources. Children only go to school for half a day and do not receive text books. Map for the Future, a project funded with $132 from World Connect’s Kids to Kids Program, got students to draw, paint, and label the countries on a world map they painted on their school. The project provided a great geography lesson. and were taught geography along the way. The project sparked not only the students’ interests of geography but also the interests of members of the community who do not attend school. Because the map is located in a central place, it is easy to read and available at all times to the community. People are educating themselves—when parents pick up their children, they observe the map and quiz themselves on the geography they know. When the map was completed, there was a celebration to inaugurate it and the kids presented reports on randomly selected countries in front of the school. There are about 400 students that attend classes in the morning and all the students presented, even the most timid children participated. The Peace Corps Volunteer who helped to implement the project said, "I have never been as proud as I was in that event!”