Mobile Honey Extractor
Project Launch: 8-13-15
In Maria Trinidad Sanchez Province, Dominican Republic, there is a large association of honey producers (ASOAMATRISAN) who maintain more than 3,500 bee colonies. Extracting honey is their main source of income, but their current method of doing so by hand is very time-consuming, and many of the producers and their bee colonies are located in extremely remote locations where roads are primarily dirt and rock. This project will help modernize honey production in the province by providing the association a company pick-up truck with a honey extractor mounted to its back. The truck will allow the association and its producers to increase their efficiency while making a better, purer, healthier final product. The beekeepers will have extra time to spend with their families and will generate more income. Furthermore, by modernizing the process, beekeeping will be more accessible to women and youth.
Project Update
The honey extraction equipment was purchased and constructed, and members of the association successfully learned how to operate the extractors. Instead of a truck, the extractors have been attached to the back of motorcycles, which continues to be the group’s main method of transportation. The beekeepers are anxiously awaiting the first harvest season, which runs from the end of January through June.
Final Update: 8/17/2016
With all of the necessary equipment purchased, the beekeepers launched their first branded honey batch at a local festival. Several new members have joined the ranks of the body, including spouses and relatives of existing members. The association also acquired a government-subsidized loan to purchase a vehicle, secure additional equipment, and develop logistics to scale up their operation.
"The ultimate goal of this project was to provide tools to simplify beekeeping while simultaneously increasing household income. With World Connect's donation, we were able to purchase modern beekeeping equipment that reduces and even eliminates much of the laborious work from honey extraction. These tools have attracted more women and their children to learn the art of beekeeping, thus providing an avenue to work as a cohesive family unit to generate income together." - Erik, Peace Corps Volunteer
"On behalf of ASOAMATRISAN and its members, I want to thank you greatly for your generous donation. I have been involved with the association for 21 years. We have seen more growth in the past year than all my years combined and it all began with the assistance of World Connect. Our main goal is to help all beekeepers work together with their families in the development of beekeeping in efforts to change their way of life and thus fight poverty. We are truly grateful for the opportunity." - Luis, Project Leader
"We have seen new women join our association over the past several months. Our goal is to attract even more in the future and our hopes are that they pass on the tradition of beekeeping to their children to keep the industry alive and strong. The equipment donated has provided more opportunity for Dominican families in Maria Trinidad Sanchez." - Luis, Project Leader
"I recently read in the news about the great things happening with ASOAMATRISAN. I had a few bee colonies in my farms so I decided to attend a meeting. The technician Freddy came to my farm with an extractor and showed me how they work and gave me advice on my colonies. I now attend all the meeting and have become an active member of the association and even my son now attends with me as well. I also have been able to expand my small business of making clothes. I am currently making head veils for beekeeping to sell to other members." - Maria, Project Participant
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