Ser Mujer
Year: 2009
Country: Dominican Republic
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $499.71
Project Launch:
According to a 2002 ENDESA report, 23.3% of adolescent girls in the Dominican Republic between the ages of 15 and 19 years have been pregnant. In addition, gender discrimination is blatantly widespread with 24% of all Dominican women having suffered some type of domestic or gender violence in the last 15 years and 10% in the last 12 months. World Connect’s Kids to Kids program awarded $500 in 2009 to implement “Ser Mujer”, a program that worked with girls from the small, rural community of Jabonico to empower them to believe in themselves and provide the education and guidance necessary for women to be able to direct their creative talents and time into something constructive and to develop their self-esteem and self-worth so that the young girls choose education and avoid unhealthy relationships that lead to violence. Group discussions involved themes such as self-esteem, reproductive health, diversity, values, importance of education, healthy relationships, conflict resolution, discrimination, violence against women, goal-setting and an analysis of important Dominican women. Participants learned good sportsmanship, team work, management skills, leadership skills, and greater self-esteem and are spreading their new knowledge among their peers.Explore other Projects

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