Sirve con Fuerza: Regional Volleyball Tournament
Year: 2009
Country: Dominican Republic
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $499.29
Project Launch:
Sirve Con Fuerza (Serve with Force) is a national volleyball tournament organized by Peace Corps volunteers for girls ages thirteen to eighteen. The girls on these teams are at a vulnerable age; many have seen peers get pregnant, drop out of school and start families, and often struggle as a result. Volleyball gives girls in this community the opportunity to learn about teamwork, be proud of themselves and others, and make positive decisions. With a $500 grant from World Connect’s Kids to Kids program in 2009 the community hosted a two-day volleyball tournament where girls participated in a workshop about self-esteem and communication. A group of young health promoters held a presentation on the consequences of adolescent pregnancy and how to prevent early pregnancy. Through volleyball instruction and these tournaments, girls gain confidence and skills that help them stay in school and make healthy decisions. The girls on all teams practice regularly and often discuss issues and future plans; this regional tournament helped motivate the girls to think more seriously about these topics, while also having fun and meeting girls from other communities.Explore other Projects

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