Spinning Wheels for Cooperative Chorou

Year: 2012
Country: Morocco
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Economic Opportunity
Project Investment: $388.23

Project Launch:

The President of Cooperative Chorouk, a group of 12 women in Tounfite, Midelt who hand-weave beautiful, all-natural wool and dye carpets, recently learned of spinning wheels and expressed interest in purchasing a wheel for the cooperative in order to increase their output. World Connect will support the purchase of a spinning wheel and the training of the President to use the new wheel. After sharing her expertise with the other eleven women, the cooperative aims to increase their efficiency by an estimated 15%. The wheel, and the cooperative, will be moving to a brand new building space, recently approved by the governor of the Midelt Province in recognition of the cooperative's valuable contribution to the community.


Project Update

A spinning wheel and a machine to card wool were purchased for the cooperative. Now, the women no longer have to do everything by hand, which has decreased their production time. The women were trained on how to use both machines and are now selling their rugs as part of the Common Thread Project.



"Before, we carded and spun the wool using our hands. This process is time consuming! Now that we have the machines, we will be able to card and spin the wool much more quickly. Also, we will be able to make extra money by carding and spinning the wool for other people for a fee." - Rabha, Project Leader

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