The Production and Marketing of Chickens and Eggs

Year: 2013
Country: Morocco
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Economic Opportunity
Project Investment: $500.00

Project Launch:

This project will provide a boost to the economic activity of a small group of five women in the rural community of Talsinnt in Morocco. Seed funding will allow them to purchase and raise 200 chickens, which will provide eggs for the women to sell. In time, they will be selling both chickens and eggs in local markets. The women will receive technical training in poultry husbandry, an in-demand skill in the community, and will be generating income to improve their status in their families and in their communities.


Project Update

In order to have a larger impact, the project was expanded to include a total of 10 women. Before the chickens arrived, each woman participated in animal husbandry workshops where they learned how to sustainably raise healthy chickens. The hens have already started to lay eggs and the women have been selling them in local stores as well as to the local bakery. Since the eggs are free-range, they are in high demand among the Talsinnt community.



"The women sell the eggs and are able to buy meat, milk and vegetables. The women are also able to feed the eggs to their children, which is good for their health. This project raised their quality of life." - Houria, Project Leader


"This project has helped to empower a small group of local women by teaching them how to raise poultry, sell the eggs and generate a small income of their own. Talsint is a community where women are generally dependent on family members or husbands and this project allowed them to experience what it is like to earn an income for themselves. I believe that giving women the knowledge and skills of how to generate an income empowers them to value their abilities and themselves. Through this empowerment comes change and I believe that these women are slowly shifting the gender dynamic within Talsint." - Caitlin, Peace Corps Volunteer

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