Care for the Environment, Care for Myself

Year: 2009
Country: El Salvador
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $500.00

Project Launch:

In El Salvador due to the high levels of pollution, there is a great need for educating people on the connections between contamination and health. Respiratory ailments and gastrointestinal illnesses are the two greatest health risks for children in El Salvador, both of which are directly linked to pollution. Teachers and Peace Corps Volunteers from five communities in southwestern El Salvador came together to develop a youth camp aimed at improving the health of Salvadoran children through raising awareness about the environment. With a $500 grant from World Connect’s Kids to Kids program in 2009, young people participated in workshops addressing water contamination, clean air, and garbage disposal. The students engaged in activities such as creating recycled art, science experiments, drama and storytelling and overall, the camp turned participants into leaders and motivators promoting community-wide adoption of healthy behaviors that protect the environment and, as a result, their own personal health. The project stimulated the formation of environmental clubs in the schools and similar workshops have since been repeated by teachers.