Chicas Superpoderosas I
Year: 2009
Country: Costa Rica
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $500.00
Project Launch:
Living in rural areas in developing countries can make accessing information a particular challenge. The group Chicas Superpoderosas in Costa Rica, received $500 from World Connect's Kids to Kids program in 2009 to promote first hand gathering of information for girls in sixth grade. Sixth graders face sudden changes when they enter high school and for many dropping out or low academic performance becomes the norm, even for previously successful students. The group Chicas Superpoderosas ran art workshops in painting, sculpture, drama and dance, promoted active participation in community development, and worked with students to develop leadership skills. Lessons also aimed at increasing knowledge about life after being a student and the disadvantages of making risky choices, such as drugs and teenage pregnancy.Explore other Projects
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