Cleaning Up the Streets: Recycling Initiative in San Jose, Chalatenango
Project Launch:
San José belongs to the municipality of Chalatenango, located at the base of the mountains, very close to the banks of Lake Suchitlán. San José has fewer than 800 inhabitants, a mestizo mix with German and Spanish immigrants. The local school has 164 students from kindergarten to ninth grade. There is a high incidence of respiratory infections in the area, the result of burning trash, including plastic, glass, aluminum, plus tainted water sources. After all, the trash truck comes but once a month, what to do in between? Thanks to a World Connect grant, all the students in the local school are being put in charge of a recylcing project that will place containers in front of each of the five stores in the community, as well as in the school. The students will be responsible for retreiving the recycling from each post and bringing it to the school, where a larger receptacle will be built, for keeping until it can be picked up.Explore other Projects
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