Communal Latrines for Community Sanitation: Fighting Against Open Defecation
Project Launch:
Ou is one of the poorest and most rural communities in Chum Kiri district of Cambodia. None of the households in the village have a proper latrine, leading to open defecation and adverse health effects. This project will construct three communal latrines, with the goal of improving sanitation and reducing the high rates of fecal-borne illness in the village. 30 participating families will attend workshops focused on the importance of handwashing and improved sanitation and hygiene practices, which will be led by the local health workers and a female youth group. The families will assist in the construction of latrines, and they will be responsible for the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of the latrines.
Project Update
The participating families attended a community workshop where they learned about germ theory, proper sanitation and hygiene practices, and the importance of handwashing. During the workshop, they created a cleaning and maintenance plan for the latrines, as each family is responsible for their upkeep. Construction is currently underway and the three communal latrines will be completed and painted by next week.
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