La Reserva Cocoa
Year: 2013
Country: Dominican Republic
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Economic Opportunity
Project Investment: $500.00
Project Launch:
This project will provide business training for a women's cooperative in Los Pajones, Dominican Republic that sells cocoa products. Classes will include sessions on the role of women in business in the DR, goal setting, budgeting, business plans, how to keep effective records, how to conduct market assessments and how to develop sales strategies. Ultimately the group aims to sell their product to hotels, cafeterias, supermarkets and restaurants all over the country.Project Update
Eight women from the cooperative successfully completed eight weeks of financial literacy and income generating classes, where they learned accounting, budgeting, and business and marketing strategies. The women have redesigned the label and packaging for the cocoa and are waiting on their sanitary registration to be able to sell the cocoa in supermarkets.
"I feel much more confident in handling money and also have new hope for generating income in my home. - Isabel, Project Participant
"This has been a great opportunity for the women of the surrounding rural areas. The women now have a better idea of how to manage money." - Angel, Project Leader
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